12. Appendix


Decimal Hexadecimal Description
0-7 (&00-&07) Solid line including both end points
8-15 (&08-&0F) Solid line excluding final points
16-23 (&10-&17) Dotted line including both end points
24-31 (&18-&1F) Dotted line excluding final points
32-39 (&20-&27) Solid line excluding initial point
40-47 (&28-&2F) Solid line excluding both end points
48-55 (&30-&37) Dotted line excluding initial point
56-63 (&38-&3F) Dotted line excluding both end points
64-71 (&40-&47) Point plot
72-79 (&48-&4F) Horizontal line fill (left & right) to non-background
80-87 (&50-&57) Triangle fill
88-95 (&58-&5F) Horizontal line fill (right only) to background
96-103 (&60-&67) Rectangle fill
104-111 (&68-&6F) Horizontal line fill (left and right) to forground
112-119 (&70-&77) Parallelogram fill
120-127 (&78-&7F) Horizontal line fill (right only) to non-foreground
128-135 (&80-&87) Flood to non-background
136-143 (&88-&8F) Flood to foreground
144-151 (&90-&97) Circle outline
152-159 (&98-&9F) Circle fill
160-167 (&A0-&A7) Circular arc
168-175 (&A8-&AF) Segment
176-183 (&B0-&B7) Sector
184-191 (&B8-&BF) Block copy/move
192-199 (&C0-&C7) Ellipse outline
200-207 (&C8-&CF) Ellipse fill
208-215 (&D0-&D7) Graphic characters
216-223 (&D8-&DF) Reserved for Acorn expansion
224-231 (&E0-&E7) Reserved for Acorn expansion
232-239 (&E8-&EF) Sprite plot
240-247 (&F0-&F7) Reserved for user programs
248-255 (&F8-&FF) Reserved for user programs

0 Move cursor relative (to last graphics point visited)
1 Plot relative using current foreground colour
2 Plot relative using logical inverse colour
3 Plot relative using current background colour
4 Move cursor absolute (ie. move to actual co-ordinate given)
5 Plot absolute using current foreground colour
6 Plot absolute using logical inverse colour
7 Plot absolute using current background colour

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